There are several hundred species of animals and plants that are afforded legal protection in the UK, although only a few of these species are regularly encountered.
We undertake surveys and assessments for bats, great crested newts, hazel dormouse, badgers, water voles, otters, common reptiles, white-clawed crayfish, barn owls, and breeding birds. We can advise on the level of survey needed, the methods involved, and the timing implications.
Please ask us if you require surveys for a species not listed as we should be able to assist or involve a specialist. Our staff hold survey licences for bats, great created newts, white-clawed crayfish, barn owl, and hazel dormouse.
We also undertake surveys and assessments for Priority species, such as brown hare and harvest mouse, as well as specialist groups of terrestrial invertebrates.
If you would like more information on our services, please get in touch.