Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

An Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) identifies the possible and potential ecological impacts a project could have. Once potential impacts are identified, quantified, and assessed, the next steps for the project can be decided.


Why are these ecological impact assessments important?


When considering the planning and completion of a project, the ecological impact of a project must be considered. Especially the environmental legislation.

Some habitats and species are protected by law, which means that developers and those involved in the early stages of construction projects need to arrange an EIA.

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    How can Apex Ecology help?


    We use recognised standard criteria to identify and assess the impacts of proposals on habitats and species. As well as biodiversity in general following the CIEEM’s Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment in the UK and Ireland.


    Need more information about Ecological Impact Assessments, please get in touch.