Invasive Plant Species

Invasive Plant Species

Our staff are trained in the identification of UK invasive plant species and as a part of the survey and advice prepare management plans for the appropriate treatment of invasive species including Japanese knotweed.

We have staff certified and trained to survey and assess for Japanese knotweed via the Property Care Association (PCA) Certified Surveyor in Japanese Knotweed (CSJK) program. This is a certification recognised across the sector and also by both mortgage lenders and insurance companies.

Over several years the PCA has developed a stringent training and examination process for invasive plant species surveyors.

The certification is recognised by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in conjunction with the PCA established the Invasive Weed Control Group (IWCG) in 2012.

Annual treatment costs of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) in the UK have been estimated at around £1.8 billion. INNS can impact the public and the environment significantly as they can pose a risk to human health, can out-compete native species, and can undermine and destroy habitat; including in the built environment.

For the majority of most of INNS it is not an offence to have them present on your land. However, it is an offence in enabling the spread of invasive plants outside of site boundaries or allowing their release into the wild. Due to these issues, rigorous biosecurity procedures are critical to any development where these species are present.

For any development where Japanese knotweed (or other invasive plant species) will be an issue a bespoke management plan will be produced, this will contain:

The Apex Ecology team are trained and certified in the use of herbicides and hold the NPTC PA1 and PA6AW required for their use on land and around water bodies.

If you would like more information about invasive plant species surveys or our other services, please get in touch.

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