At Apex Ecology, we provide a wide range of Ecological services across the UK. We are a team of ecological experts, who provide clear and reasoned advice. Our team of professional ecologists each covers a range of specialisms. This allows us to provide a wide range of ecological services for our customers across England and Wales.
Our team works in the local area and across the country. Completing work on small-scale farms, all the way to large-scale housing developments. The company has been operating for over 10 years and has gained a reputation for its high-quality services, innovative solutions, and a strong commitment to sustainability.
BNG refers to the enhancement of biodiversity in an area, as a result of development or other human activities. Our BNG service can involve assessing the current state of biodiversity in a particular area and developing plans to achieve net gain. This could involve designing green infrastructure and creating wildlife habitats. Or implementing other measures to promote biodiversity. The aim of Biodiversity Net Gain is to ensure that development projects have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.
Apex offers a reliable and experienced Clerk of Works for construction projects up and down England. This service ensures that your project is delivered to the highest standards. Plus, it meets the necessary specifications and regulations under Natural England. Our experienced team will oversee every stage of your project, using their knowledge of construction processes, materials, and techniques. We can supervise the translocation of plant and animal species, installation of mitigation features, as well as invasive plant management and treatment.
This service helps to identify the possible ecological impacts a project could have on the ecosystem. Once we identify the potential impacts, they are quantified, and assessed. As some habitats and species are protected under the law, developers should implement these services.
At Apex Ecology we complete a range of habitat assessments against national and local designation and conservation criteria. Plus, advice on the management and conservation of a range and habitats and species.
A Phase 1 survey is a much more detailed habitat assessment including National Vegetation Classification (NVC), monitoring rare plants, habitat mapping, habitat management plans, and habitat translocation, creation and mitigation design.
Carried out to identify ecological features that become an issue or any issues that need to be addressed before any development can begin, Apex provides thorough scoping surveys. The outcome of the survey identifies valuable habitats or even protected or invasive species. Commonly completed on large sites, where multiple habitats are likely to present.
Our experienced team has a wealth of experience in the identification of UK invasive plant species. As a part of our survey, we prepare and advise on management plans for the appropriate treatment of invasive species, including Japanese knotweed.
Our ecological services also include advice and design mitigation, which is suitable for a range of habitats and species.
A standard approach for an initial ecological assessment where there is no existing information available. A preliminary ecological appraisal or PEA involves mapping an area, and descriptions of the habitats which are present on site. This survey and classification of habitats follow CIEEM Guidelines for PEA.
In the UK there are hundreds of species of plants and animals that are afforded legal protection. However, only a few of these species are regularly encountered. These assessments include species such as bats, badgers, otters and barn owls. For many of the animal species, we provide protected species for, our team hold survey licences. We also provide assessment for priority species such as harvest mice, as well as specialist groups of terrestrial invertebrates.
Another service available for development projects is our site supervision. Whereby a site may require translocation and rescue of plant and animal species, installation of mitigation features, and site clearance and searching.
UKHabs is an essential method of understanding and assessing the positive and negative impacts that human activities have on biodiversity and ecosystems. Established in 2013, it was designed to group all habitats which are found in the UK. A comprehensive approach to mapping habitats, it has been adopted by many as the standard type of survey. Our team has experience using the UKHabs methodology and providing assessments using this framework.
Members of our team Helen and Max deliver ecological training through CIEEM and have input into Master’s courses at University. They also provide presents to local authorities and ecclesiastical and architectural societies.
If you require any of the Ecological Services we provide at Apex Ecology, please get in touch. Call us on 01782 346494, email us at [email protected], or fill out our contact form.